Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Room for New Experiences, Does it make you smile?

Do you love the real estate you own? I think we should inventory the property we own and decide if it is a positive or negative asset. We own a piece of property I have started to dislike. It feels more like a liability than an asset. Could that mean it's time to sell? It definately means it's time to evaluate.
Just like on a personal note: Getting rid of clutter is the beginning of making room for new experiences. Opening up space, mentally, physically and spiritually. Just by clearing off a pile of clutter and replacing that location with something I enjoy, brings a type of new life to the room and to my life.
During a conversation with a friend about my quest to clear clutter from my life, she said, "If it doesn't make you smile, get rid of it."
I can look over at a formerly cluttered counter and see a beautiful orchid growing happily and sharing it's joy with those who pass by. A definate SMILE.

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