Monday, August 27, 2012

Landlord & Tenants Beware; Pre-Judgement Interest, Post Judgment Interest, Court Costs and Other Fees Can Add Up to A Lot of Money $$$!

John says to tenants,
"You're better off paying what you owe".
He says to landlords, "It's usually worth filing a claim in court to get what is owed you."
Little is known by many about the pre-judgement interest and post judgement interest. This is money in the form of interest that is added to a claim, it adds up during the time it takes to process the claim. Post-judgement interest is what adds up after the claim has been awarded but hasn't been paid off. It's important that rental applications and contracts spell these fees out clearly. In the unfortunate event that a landlord has to take a tenant to court, these fees can make a big difference.
This is what the form looks like that a person uses that is owed money in Linn County in the State of Oregon.
A person can go on line to\linn
to get copies of forms for court for Linn County, Oregon.
Most tenants want to be good tenants and most landlords want to be good landlords. Sometimes financial matters can't be resolved and the court has to help with resolution.
When this happens, it's always best for both parties to be prepared ahead of time with a detailed, signed rental application and rental agreement.

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