Biggie, the cat, lives in this 3 bedroom, 1 bath, single car garage, established yard with shade trees, roses and herbs, hot tub, cat condo, wood stove, gas and electric heat, air conditioned, property that sold last week. We listed it with a realtor, Sheri Gregory with Heritage Northwest Realty, Sweet Home, Oregon. We like working with Sheri and her assistant Jaida, they are a great team. We were pleased with their advertising as well as the attention they gave each prospective buyer. Advertising does payoff! As does a clean property in a nice neighborhood, as well as being able to greatly discount the price. The offer was $112,000.00, (asking price was $122,000.00, purchase price 7 years ago was $115, 000.00...loan balance is $78,405.00) which we accepted. The buyer also wanted us to throw in the refrigerator, washer and dryer ...
Biggie agreed to throw in the appliances, he said, "What does a cat need those things for anyway?"Sounds like a low offer? It is, but it's also the only offer we have had in the five months it has been listed.
"A Bird in Hand is Worth Two in the Bush," my mother used to say.We added two addendum's: 1. We use the title company of our choice (Amerititle in Albany, Oregon) 2. We make no claims or guarantees that the hot tub is operational. What we learned.... always check the lot lines before listing, buying or selling property. (Something we already knew, but needed a refresher on.) As it turned out, the fence was about 5 feet on to the adjacent lot, which added expense and time on our part, because a fence, hot tub and deck had to be moved. If we would have done our homework a little better, and not just listened to neighbors who claimed they knew where the lot lines were, we would have found out where the pins were in the ground for the lot lines. Since we also were selling the lot next doors (it sold before the house) we could have done a lot line adjustment, prior to selling the lot, costing us some money in fees, but saving us time and more money and headaches. We are always learning and re-learning lessons.
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